Friday, October 17, 2008

Hawaii recap

IM Hawaii race day was one week ago and I wanted to share a few reflections from the trip out to the Big Island.

12) Not racing this year brought a new perspective. Making time to talk with racing and industry friends was a must and seeing everyone in their element.
11) Being annoyed with our three hour layover in Honolulu and taking the Wiki Wiki shuttle too many times between terminals.
10) Staying 25 miles out of Kailua at the Waikoloa Resort and spending some quality time with Cracknell and Bentley.
9) Swimming out on the course and staying very calm when I thought I encountered two tiger sharks (they were dolphins).
8) Interviewing Navy SEALs' David Goggins and Keith Davids before bike check-in (they were not impressed with my shark story)
7) Getting invited to accompany the SEAL team on the boat to pick up the SEAL parachute jumpers on race morning.
6) Yelling at all the drafters (especially the guys drafting off faster women!) out on the bike course near Waikoloa.
5) Walking the Queen K with Franko during the run course and hitch-hiking our way up and down the course.
4) Receiving word that Retul's very own Craig Alexander won the race in dominating fashion!
3) My beautiful wife kept me and Franko entertained all day with text messages of the race updates while we were out on the course receiving no information.
2) Having Norman run by at mile 24 and tell us "no more ha-vy-ee" and "i we-tire" and knowing that he is so full of it!
1) Flying back from Kona the night of the race and being back in Colorado Sunday.

All in all, it was great to experience Kona again, this time from a very different angle. It was much more relaxing even though us Retul guys did work our tails off throughout the three days! Stay tuned for my article on the Navy SEALs I will be posting for next week.


1 comment:

Steve Fleck said...


Great Blog. Had no idea that you were over in Hawaii. As It was I was overloaded with seeing/talking to way too many people. Had to keep in mind that Polly was racing! She did great.

I have a newish blog to. Please feel free to check it out:

Best wishes in AZ.
